Are you ready for May 22? There is still too much time to study!!
After all that studying, will you be ready for the day of examination?
On the day of examination:
1. You should have enough sleep.
2. You should have eaten your early breakfast. Just light breakfast guys!! Don't let your tummy so full because all the blood circulation will focus on digesting your food and not to the brains.
3. Drink vitamins, this will help nourish your brains.
4. Pray. Pray. Pray.
5. Ask for good luck from your family.
6. Stay calm.
7. Be on time.
8. Drink 2 glasses of water 30 minutes before the exam and make sure you pee before the exam starts. Don't drink too much water though right before the exam started. Have a bottle of water with you so you can sip on it when your mouth starts to dry from answering. Before the exam, the proctor will ask the examiners to takeoff the labels from the bottles of your mineral water or drinks, you can remove them earlier before the exam. This will make you feel that you are ready for the exam when/if the proctor asks to remove the labels. You can strut your unlabeled bottles. LOL.
9. Don't forget those things you prepared before the exam. The list is
10. Smile. Keep a happy mood.Don't get distracted from other takers. There will be coughs, murmurs while solving difficult questions, crisscrossing, pencils falling.
11. Always listen to the proctor.
12. Keep a sharp mind.